Inexpensive, off-the-shelf, readily available hardware.
The author cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages to other pieces of software, equipment, goods or persons arising from the use of this software.īy downloading this software you accept the above terms of copyright and disclaimer. You are responsible for installing, configuring, testing and ensuring that the software performs properly in your environment. This software controls equipment that could be damaged by said software. Any commercial use must be approved in writing by the author. You can use, modify, and distribute the software provided that you offer it and any derivative works as freeware. The Controller hardware can be a pre-assembled and tested Raspberry Pi HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) circuit board purchased from K8UT or a Do-It-Yourself construction project from the provided parts list and documentation. FreqEZ hardware uses a Raspberry Pi platform with a controller board to enable remote antenna switches.FreqEZ software is a pair of programs running a Windows FreqEZ Console (freqezwin) and a Raspberry Pi FreqEZ Controller (freqezrpi).
Without available UDP packet or BCD band information, FreqEZ can also be used as a sophisticated manual antenna switch. For other amateurs, FreqEZ can connect to the BCD band outputs available from most transceivers.

For amateurs who use N1MM+, Logger32, or DXLab logging software, FreqEZ will leverage those programs’ UDP packets for antenna switching.
RPi Controller download filename: filename in manual did not match filename on website.Windows Console Position = not returning to previous position on multiple-monitor computers.Setup: RPi Controller #4 defaulted to = Enabled.Setup: On Form Closing = “Prompt Every Time” not saving properly.Reported issues corrected in Release Candidate #2, published May 16, 2021: UDP packets (left) and minimized (right) FreqEZ Console: View with 4 Raspberry Pi Controllers, SO2R, Radio 1 on 6m, Radio 2 on 80m, and 64 available outputs FreqEZ2 – Published as Release Candidate #1 on FreqEZ2 – Published as Release Candidate #2 on May 16, 2021 FreqEZ RPi HAT Board – Assembled and TestedįreqEZ2 Console: View with 1 Raspberry Pi Controller and 16 available outputs.FreqEZ2 Band Decoder Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).FreqEZ2 – Published as Release Candidate #2 on May 16, 2021.FreqEZ2 – Published as Release Candidate #1 on May 5, 2021.